Press Release: Feeding Carroll Together



Feeding Carroll Together: A County-Wide Collaboration to Combat Hunger

Carroll County, Maryland – July 15, 2023 – Today, we announce the launch of “Feeding Carroll Together,” a county-wide food drive that unites the food pantries of Carroll County in the fight against hunger. This collaborative effort aims to alleviate food insecurity and provide support to those in need throughout the summer months.

Summer is a challenging time for many families in our county–food insecurity is particularly prevalent, as families face increased financial strain without the support of school meal programs. The “Feeding Carroll Together” food drive aims to bridge this gap by encouraging residents to donate food items to their neighborhood food pantries throughout the month of July.

“Our community is stronger when we work together,” stated Celene Steckel, Director of the Carroll County Department of Citizen Services. “By combining our efforts, we can create a safety net for those experiencing food insecurity, offering them hope and sustenance.”

Residents are encouraged to contribute non-perishable food items to their local food pantry. Canned vegetables, fruits, protein-rich items, and other nutritious staples are especially valuable donations. To locate your closest food pantry, we invite the public to visit, where you will find a comprehensive directory of the food pantries in Carroll County.

The success of the “Feeding Carroll Together” food drive relies on the support of our community. We urge residents, local businesses, and organizations to participate by donating food items, volunteering, or spreading the word about this vital initiative through social media and community networks.

Join us in uniting Carroll County against hunger. By #FeedingCarrollTogether, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.


For media inquiries or more information, please contact:

Cara Paige

Westminster Rescue Mission





*** Learn more about Feeding Carroll Together and access our  Food Drive Toolkit, here***