Plates of Plenty is a campaign to raise awareness and funds to combat hunger in our community. Proceeds will help the Mission Food Program at the Westminster Rescue Mission purchase, warehouse, and provide meat, fresh produce, dairy, and dry goods to our partner network of food pantries, soup kitchens, local charities, and agencies across Carroll County.
Westminster Rescue Mission is dedicated to overcoming the growing problem of food insecurity and hunger in our surrounding communities. The Mission Food Program — the largest re-distributor of food in Carroll County — provides hunger relief through our distribution network and community outreach services in partnership with dozens of area agencies and charities.
In 2023 the Mission Food Program at the Westminter Rescue Mission...

... supplied more than 1M lbs. of food to our downstream partners -

– the equivalent of more than 800,000 meals –

- feeding an average of 4,800 families per month.
Carroll County is one of the wealthier counties in Maryland, blessed with rolling farmland, vibrant small towns, and bedroom communities for workers in the Baltimore-Washington region. Despite this wealth, there are families among us who are struggling to make ends meet. Even among those who are keeping up, many may be one car repair or medical bill away from having to choose between expenses.
Ironically, sometimes the residents surrounded by farms in our more rural areas have the biggest challenge to access food, because there aren’t full-service grocery stores nearby. Even in the wealthiest areas of the county – southern communities along I-70 and Liberty Road (MD-26) – approximately 20% of working families are struggling or are living paycheck to paycheck, one unexpected bill away from having to choose between necessities. Further north and west in the county, the numbers are more challenging, with 40%-60% of employed households in some communities at or below the income threshold to be able to consistently meet basic costs of living. Source: The United Way: United for ALICE.
Caught you doing good!
We'd love to showcase your business as one of our partners. Contact Trish St. Michel tstmichel@WestminsterRescueMission.org